A lot about Hamburg reminded Valeria of her hometown Saint Petersburg. During her visit, she captured her impressions of the “Twin Cities” with her camera.
Vom 6. November bis 11. November besuchten Studierende der School of Journalism and Mass Communication an der State University St. Petersburg die Redaktion von FINK.HAMBURG. Im Rahmen dieser Kooperation sind gemeinsame Beiträge entstanden.
Ein Gastbeitrag von Valeria Lazareva
A port city with many bridges, rainy and foggy – every German recognises Hamburg by this description, just like every Russian will immediately recognise St. Petersburg. It’s more than “understandable” why Hamburg and Saint-Petersburg are twin cities. And there is something which connects these two cities more than rain and bridges: the atmosphere of a proud north capital.
The sound of my steps on the wet stones on the pavement across the river reminds me of Saint Petersburg. That is why here in Hamburg I totally feel like “I am home”. During my short stay in Hamburg I have seen different faces of the city and captured them with my camera. Pictures will tell more than a thousand words about my feelings here in Hamburg.
- FINK.HAMBURGhttps://fink.hamburg/author/cvd-fink/
- FINK.HAMBURGhttps://fink.hamburg/author/cvd-fink/
- FINK.HAMBURGhttps://fink.hamburg/author/cvd-fink/
- FINK.HAMBURGhttps://fink.hamburg/author/cvd-fink/